
What does lfo mean
What does lfo mean

what does lfo mean

By itself the sound created by an oscillator might seem simple, but it provides the raw material for all of the noises a synthesizer can make. This electrical signal is eventually sent to speakers where it turns into a sound wave that you can hear, but not until being modified by a VCA, VCF, LFO, or ADSR envelope. An oscillator creates an electrical signal such as a sawtooth wave, square wave, or triangle wave. Although this article only describes subtractive synthesis, some of the concepts covered can also be used in other types of synthesizers. Sometimes synthesizers use other kinds of synthesis, such as FM synthesis, sample-based synthesis, or wavetable synthesis. With these 5 components you can create a large number of sounds! Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) Allows changing the VCO, VCF, or VCA’s settings over time in a repeating pattern. Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release (ADSR) Envelope Allows changing the VCO, VCF, or VCA’s settings in a custom pattern each time a note is played. Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA) Controls the tone’s loudness. Voltage Controlled Filter (VCF) Controls whether the tone sounds bright or dull. The sound can then be further modified by changing various parameters over time while a note is played.Ī synthesizer that uses subtractive synthesis usually has these main components: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Creates a base tone. This is similar to how selectively removing parts of a block of marble can reveal a sculpture. This means that a tone containing many frequencies is produced, and then some of the frequencies are removed (filtered) to create a particular sound. The Big PictureĪnalog synthesizers typically use subtractive synthesis. The goal of this article is to demystify your synth so that it makes more sense. Without knowing what these settings do it’s hard to make sounds other than by trial and error. Synthesizers (or software simulations) often have a bunch of knobs and sliders labeled with acronyms and jargon. What All Those Knobs on Your Synthesizer Do

What does lfo mean